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dadman's Reward Points: 1703

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument How can Jesus be Lord, if He is allegedly not God, in Human flesh?
1 Added Argument Who is Jesus? -John MacArthur
1 Added Argument Jesus was not politically correct
1 Added Argument The LIBRA Mission
5 Created Debate The LIBRA Mission
2 Added Argument there are only two classes of people on the Earth
5 Created Debate there are only two classes of people on the Earth
1 Added Argument Why do Muslims always want to move to Christian countries?
1 Added Argument Mueller won't testify next week, chairman says
2 Added Argument We are most certainly FUCKED!
1 Added Argument Did Jesus appear in the Old Testament?
1 Added Argument Those on Left want to stop executing mass murderers, but continue executing viable babies!
2 Added Argument Are there only two genders?
2 Added Argument Is the prewrath position on the Rapture correct?
1 Added Argument 4 historical facts prove Jesus rose from the dead.
5 Added Argument As we (Christians) see the day approaching
5 Created Debate As we (Christians) see the day approaching
1 Added Argument Is Jesus Faithful?
2 Added Argument Is JESUS CHRIST coming back? Yes ----- 2019-03-17
5 Created Debate Is JESUS CHRIST coming back? Yes ----- 2019-03-17
1 Added Argument Is JESUS CHRIST coming back? Yes ----- 2019-03-10
5 Created Debate Is JESUS CHRIST coming back? Yes ----- 2019-03-10
10 Added Argument FYI ---- An examination of atheism’s truth claims
5 Created Debate FYI ---- An examination of atheism’s truth claims
1 Added Argument Well, can it happen again ? ...
5 Created Debate Well, can it happen again ? ...
1 Added Argument Is there any such thing as right and wrong?
1 Added Argument Green New Deal = Agenda 2030
5 Created Debate Green New Deal = Agenda 2030
2 Added Argument Have you found yet anything reliable than death?
0 Added Argument If Hitler was truly a student of Purist Darwinism, why didn't he side with the J
1 Added Argument We take Socialists seriously. That's why we reject their ideology.
8 Added Argument What if I were to tell you that scientists believe in God?
10 Added Argument What if I were to tell you that scientists believe in God?
1 Added Argument If climate is about to kill us why hasn't left prepared for the impending doom
1 Added Argument Jody proving he is racist
1 Added Argument Behold, this is what an antichrist sounds like
5 Created Debate Behold, this is what an antichrist sounds like
0 Added Argument Jews and Muslims are practically the same thing
8 Added Argument Would you be ok to have religion taught in school if ALL religions where taught?
1 Added Argument there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies
2 Created Debate there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies
1 Added Argument how many trump supporters here are openly racist?
1 Added Argument Can you believe the big spending Democrats care about 5 billion in chump change for Wall?
1 Added Argument Has Obama become a Conservative?🤔
1 Added Argument Socialism in the USA is it a good thing?
1 Added Argument Can you sue Planned Parenthood for child support if the abortion doesn't take?
8 Added Argument One World Governance supported by One World Religion

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