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arden's Reward Points: 14

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Does anyone want to say who they are not? [For the April 1st Cleanup]
0 Added Argument If your family's been here a long time, are you MORE Patriotic?
1 Added Argument Does anyone want to say who they are not? [For the April 1st Cleanup]
2 Added Argument What was everyone's opinion on the March 15th walkout, and if you participated, why?
5 Created Debate What was everyone's opinion on the March 15th walkout, and if you participated, why?
1 Added Argument Is everyone a sinner?
1 Added Argument If you could go back in time and kill Christopher Columbus, would you do it?
3 Added Argument If you could go back and kill Hitler as a baby, would you do it?

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