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Zuul's Reward Points: 65

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate Democrats are fascists & Republicans are more liberal.
1 Added Argument Why are most Liberals against Conservatives?
0 Added Argument Bronto Alt Accounts Telling Yet More Lies. Claims China Is Communist.
1 Added Argument Would Chick Fil A be targeted by leftists if its owners were Muslims?
1 Created Debate Was Larry Bird the best white player in NBA history?
1 Created Debate Trump tweets support after Orange County, California, opposes ‘sanctuary’ law
1 Created Debate Rusticus admits Obama was and is evil
0 Added Argument Are you a Trump Worshiping fake Christian?
1 Added Argument Conservatism is a mental illness.
1 Added Argument What kind of british accent does Nom have?
1 Created Debate Are Liberals Dying Out
1 Added Argument Should healthcare be free in America?
2 Added Argument MAGA vs. Yes we can
1 Added Argument Socialism vs Capitalism. Capitalism every time...
2 Added Argument Does the land belong to the Australian Government?
1 Added Argument Should people be free to choose what they do with their own body?
1 Created Debate When the truth hurts on race
5 Created Debate Life didn't biologically begin but began through physics
0 Added Argument Breaking News -"Crossfire Hurricane' exposed
1 Added Argument Which is the most thought stimulating book you've read?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which belief system requires more faith?
2 Added Argument Which belief system requires more faith?
-1 Downvoted Argument Which belief system requires more faith?
1 Added Argument Which belief system requires more faith?
1 Added Argument Can you prove that zoophilia is wrong?
1 Added Argument Can you prove that zoophilia is wrong?
1 Added Argument Who's the best rapper on earth?
-1 Downvoted Argument Does god exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Does god exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Does god exist?
2 Added Argument Does god exist?
1 Added Argument Why is Hitler so popular recently?
1 Added Argument Any Christian/Catholic want to debate a topic?
1 Added Argument I spied on you through your phones & tv's.
0 Added Argument I'm a big giant dick with ears
0 Added Argument Young man, are you looking forward to going to war?
5 Created Debate How much dirt would the Russians have on Hillary if she had won?
5 Created Debate Is it time to round up atheists & lock them up?
1 Added Argument Is Tupac dead or alive?
0 Added Argument Rex Tillerson finally stands up to Russians, - abruptly FIRED the next day.
1 Added Argument If libs ignore the law on illegal immigration why can't I ignore future gun laws?
1 Created Debate Why the right laughs at you when you call them racists & Nazis part 4
1 Added Argument Jews are less intelligent than Muslims on average
1 Created Debate Why the right laughs at you when you call them racists & Nazis part 3
1 Created Debate Why the right laughs when you call them racists & Nazis Part 2
1 Created Debate Why the right laughs at you when you call them racists & Nazis
1 Added Argument Jesus wuz black
5 Created Debate Is it evil to hate, or does it depend on what it is you hate?

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