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SMCdeBater's Reward Points: 242

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should guns be banned in America?
2 Added Argument Is PS3 better than Xbox 360
1 Added Argument is it black peoples fault that whites are racsit
3 Added Argument Is the homosexual lifestyle better than the heterosexual lifestyle?
1 Added Argument Being vegetarian is the right thing to do
1 Added Argument Nba Champs
1 Added Argument Banned from playing ball games!
10 Added Argument If the death penalty was cheaper than imprisonment, would you be for or against it?
1 Added Argument If a pregnant woman on death row wants an abortion, can you just fry them both?
1 Added Argument Is there proof that there is no God?
1 Added Argument Who Was Cooler? 2.0
0 Added Argument Should practicing Jews,christians and muslims be separated from the rest of the human race
3 Added Argument would it be good if we all live forever?
2 Added Argument Religion keeps people in line.
1 Added Argument Should we buy BP gasoline after the oil spill?
1 Added Argument This next generation makes me think that the future is without hope.
5 Created Debate Does Human Selfishness Dominate Our Lives?
2 Added Argument Is there proof that there is no God?
1 Added Argument This next generation makes me think that the future is without hope.
5 Added Argument Plants vs Animals
4 Added Argument Are sports really worth it for the player?
2 Added Argument if someone realised they had superpowers would they use their powers for good or bad?
7 Added Argument if someone realised they had superpowers would they use their powers for good or bad?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do children deserve the right of privacy?
4 Added Argument How the hell does paper beat rock in a game of rock, paper, scissors
1 High Rated Argument Is an atheist a loyal American?
5 Added Argument Should school days be longer
8 Added Argument Do children deserve the right of privacy?
2 Added Argument There should be an minimum age requirement for the use of CreateDebate!
5 Created Debate Does rationality truly exist?
3 Added Argument IS God an accessory to murder?
3 Added Argument IS God an accessory to murder?
1 Added Argument Creation vs. Evolution
1 Added Argument that australia should accept far fewer migrants
4 Added Argument that australia should accept far fewer migrants
1 Added Argument that australia should accept far fewer migrants
1 Added Argument I object to the use of the term 'special' when referring to disabled children.
7 Added Argument I object to the use of the term 'special' when referring to disabled children.
2 Added Argument That Australia should accept far fewer migrants
10 Added Argument Should youngsters watch pornographic films?
1 Added Argument Should there be internet censorship by governments?
2 Added Argument If your partner cheated on you, would you continue your relationship together?
1 Added Argument Kids tend to be more active then adults
1 Added Argument Kids tend to be more active then adults
1 Added Argument Should all people have dogs (unless of allergy)
1 Added Argument Should all people have dogs (unless of allergy)
1 Added Argument Gorillas should be granted the rights of humans.
1 Added Argument Is Hip Hop Dead?
2 Added Argument It was better to have had Hitler, despite his crimes, then to have never had him at all.
1 Added Argument Is Hip Hop Dead?
1 Added Argument What is the purpose of life?
6 Added Argument Who created God?
5 Added Argument Interrogators Should Be Allowed To Torture Suspects For Information
5 Added Argument DO GODS EXIST??
2 Added Argument Abortion
3 Added Argument Abortion
2 Added Argument There Is a Meaning to Life
9 Added Argument Is Competition Beneficial To The Learning Process?
3 Added Argument "Why Is It Hard For People, In General, To Debate Issues Without Getting Mad?"
1 Added Argument Should our youth be more politically educated?
2 Added Argument Should the Rudd Government remain in Parliament?
1 Added Argument Should the sale of human organs be legalized?
1 Added Argument Webcam option for CreateDebate. Thoughts?
1 Added Argument Is technology harming teens?
2 Added Argument Is an atheist a loyal American?
7 Added Argument Is life a popularity contest?
5 Created Debate Should the Rudd Government remain in Parliament?
0 Added Argument That Australia should accept far fewer migrants
0 Added Argument That Australia should accept far fewer migrants
-1 Downvoted Argument Should people stop all efforts to save endangered species?
10 Added Argument Is technology harming teens?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should people stop all efforts to save endangered species?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Australia adopt a National Internet Filter?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should people stop all efforts to save endangered species?
1 Added Argument Is a Global Government Organization a Good Thing?
-1 Downvoted Argument Was Jesus White?
-1 Downvoted Argument school uniforms
-1 Downvoted Argument school uniforms

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