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RustysGoblin's Reward Points: 97

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument Conservatives Must Be Deleted From The Program
-1 Downvoted Argument Nom has been debating his own alts for 7 straight hours
-1 Downvoted Argument Nom has been debating his own alts for 7 straight hours
-1 Downvoted Argument Margaret Thatcher was correct about socialism. So was Churchill
0 Downvoted Argument Conservatives Must Be Deleted From The Program
0 Downvoted Argument Conservatives Must Be Deleted From The Program
-1 Downvoted Argument What's the score?
-1 Downvoted Argument The topic Nom debates worst is guns
1 Added Argument If David Duke Is Bronto's Idea Of A Liberal, Then Imagine How Far Right This Clown Is
1 Added Argument Will Mueller survive the election - take II??
1 Added Argument Do CD Members Hold Any Responsibility For The Deterioration Of Bronto's Mental Health?
1 Added Argument The Best Solution To The Silliness Of Republicans Is To Regulate Their Sugar Intake
5 Created Debate If you work for someone & not by force, why is that a bad thing?
3 Created Debate Liberals say all black people look alike
1 Added Argument Kavanaugh drank beer. Obama? Did cocaine. You care?
1 Added Argument Could a parent ever be morally justified in letting their child starve to death?
2 Created Debate The question lib media wanted to know in 1979. How gay is gay?
1 Added Argument Which Political Party should I support
1 Added Argument Can you help someone by doing 4 them what they can do 4 themselves?
3 Created Debate 'Liberal' states said no Japanese were allowed in their states. Why is that?
3 Added Argument Excon says NAACP saved blacks in 1909 when Democrats were right wing
1 Added Argument Excon says NAACP saved blacks in 1909 when Democrats were right wing
1 Added Argument Righty's say if you're UNEDUCATED, you CAN'T be propagandized, but if you're EDUCATED
1 Added Argument Righty's say if you're UNEDUCATED, you CAN'T be propagandized, but if you're EDUCATED
1 Added Argument Did Native Americans Own Slaves?!
1 Added Argument Did Native Americans Own Slaves?!
1 Added Argument The Commies want free college to indoctrinate a generation to their religion
1 Added Argument NO MORE honour killings
1 Added Argument If you see MILLIONS of libs on the street, do you think they're PAID to protest?
1 Added Argument Do you care if politicians drink or drank alcohol ever?
1 Added Argument Democrats threaten Ran Paul's family
1 Added Argument What would a fair society look like?
1 Added Argument What would a fair society look like?
2 High Rated Argument Kavanaugh drank beer. Obama? Did cocaine. You care?
1 High Rated Argument Should I rule this site as a demi god?
1 High Rated Argument Who's more classicaly liberal, Democrats or Republicans?
1 High Rated Argument Who wants a war with 1.5 BILLION Muslims? Could we WIN a war like that?
1 High Rated Argument Right wingers think the world is OVERPOPULATED.. What's their solution??
1 High Rated Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
1 High Rated Argument Should they tax overtime over 40 hours?
2 High Rated Argument I'm bothered more by Kavanaugh's partisanship than his sexual proclivites. You?
1 High Rated Argument If Hitler was a commie, and the Russians were commies, why did they war on each other?
1 High Rated Argument You MIGHT get shot if you go to church.. We're too WEAK to stop it..
-1 Downvoted Argument What is consciousness?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should people be able to say anything?
1 Added Argument Should I rule this site as a demi god?
6 Added Argument Kavanaugh drank beer. Obama? Did cocaine. You care?
3 Added Argument Is the Intellectual Dark Web Alt-Right?
4 Added Argument What is consciousness?
2 Added Argument Could a parent ever be morally justified in letting their child starve to death?
3 Added Argument One would think people at these parties would be coming out of the woodwork
-1 Downvoted Argument "Shithole countries"-Trump am glad Africa heard it for themselves
3 Created Debate Democrats created the environment that will allow Kavanaugh into Supreme Court
1 Added Argument If Kavanaugh doesn't step down, will the Dems IMPEACH him when they win the midterms?
0 Added Argument Humans are evil and stupid and gay and should be exterminated
5 Created Debate What would libs say if Trump said this?
1 Added Argument Everybody who likes Trump isn't a Nazi, but everybody who's a Nazi sure does.
1 Added Argument If you call black people bongos, is that nice, or racist?
1 Added Argument Is DISSENT the most patriotic of American of activites, or the most UN-PATRIOTIC
1 Added Argument You MIGHT get shot if you go to church.. We're too WEAK to stop it..
1 Added Argument If Hitler was a commie, and the Russians were commies, why did they war on each other?
5 Created Debate Republicans are anti Communist. See? It's in the name. Anti Communist
1 Added Argument ANTIFA is NOT anti-fascist, but Hitlers National Socialists absolutely WERE socialists
1 Added Argument Right wingers think the world is OVERPOPULATED.. What's their solution??
1 Added Argument Who wants a war with 1.5 BILLION Muslims? Could we WIN a war like that?
1 Added Argument Is Trumps attack on the FBI pro law enforcement, or pro criminal?
1 Added Argument I used to BELIEVE Evangelicals EMBRACED piety.. But, their embrace of Trump BELIES that
8 Added Argument I'm bothered more by Kavanaugh's partisanship than his sexual proclivites. You?
1 Added Argument Who's more classicaly liberal, Democrats or Republicans?
1 Added Argument Should they tax overtime over 40 hours?
4 Created Debate This is the moment Kavanaugh was beat rebuttal
0 Added Argument This is where Kavanaugh was finished

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