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RavensBeak's Reward Points: 282

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate Liberals run the colleges yet never gave NIL money to black athletes as they got rich
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument CIVIL WAR. LET'S GET IT ON!
-1 Downvoted Argument Does It Bother You That The President Of The United States Is A Full Blown Nazi?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is there virtue in despising your country?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
5 Created Debate Is Nom a time traveller
1 Added Argument Imagine if Trump had Obama's list of Scandals
2 Created Debate Imagine if Trump had Obama's list of Scandals
1 Added Argument Trump doesn't surprise me.. I'm surprised by the complete capitulation of the Republicans
1 Added Argument The arrogance and hypocrisy of Mingiwuwu is astonishing
1 Added Argument Liberal Disneyland raises tickets to over $100 for a day pass
-1 Downvoted Argument Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don't - Psychology Today
-1 Downvoted Argument Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don't - Psychology Today
-1 Downvoted Argument Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don't - Psychology Today
-1 Downvoted Argument Why Liberal Hearts Bleed and Conservatives Don't - Psychology Today
-1 Downvoted Argument Libs now need emotional support fried chicken in a box...
-1 Downvoted Argument Does President Pelosi scare you? If Trump and Pence are impeached, she's next in line
-1 Downvoted Argument
0 Downvoted Argument Violent, radical right wing extremists
0 Downvoted Argument Violent, radical right wing extremists
-1 Downvoted Argument Jesus Christ: How Corrupt IS This Guy?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Islam a religion of violence or a religion of peace?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
1 Added Argument Is Islam a religion of violence or a religion of peace?
1 Added Argument Some Perspective On The Level Of Sickness Present In American Society
0 Created Debate Nom critisizes the U.S. while his country stays white intentionally
1 Added Argument Bronto: "So What If Israel Murders Children? Hitler Killed More."
1 Added Argument Mob chants threats outside Tucker Carlson’s DC home, destroys property
2 Created Debate It's comical watching real racists call Republicans Nazis
1 Added Argument Hootie forced into admitting Hitler was a Leftist
3 Added Argument If the Democrats get control, will they get rid of the VA for veterans?
1 Added Argument If you let ticketless people INTO your ballpark to clean up, why would you stop them now?
1 Created Debate Third migrant caravan attacks police entering into Mexico
0 Added Argument Why does Russia, our enemy, want Republicans to win?
1 Created Debate If you are a liberal who wants taxed to death just donate your money to Congress
1 Added Argument FBI agents gave Andrew Gillum tickets to ‘Hamilton’ in 2016
2 High Rated Argument Were the tax cuts BORROWED, or FOUND in the budget after everything was paid for?
2 Added Argument Were the tax cuts BORROWED, or FOUND in the budget after everything was paid for?
2 Created Debate This is what liberal media had been reduced to
5 Created Debate Are tan lines sexy?
1 Created Debate Libs reason for hating Trump, a Democrat Law enforced by Obama
1 Added Argument If you paid into gofundme for Avenatti & Stormy, it went to Trump
5 Created Debate Libs response to record growth. Double down on crazy
3 Added Argument No Friends
1 Added Argument Who here likes the Saudi's? Why?
1 Added Argument Do you pull rabbits out of your hat or out of your head?
3 Created Debate Should we take race off of all documents, paperwork and applications?
0 Created Debate The Democrat Party have gone fully Bolshevik. They are gone.
0 Created Debate The Democrats are now attacking the FBI. My how the tide has turned
1 Added Argument The first thing Dems talk about when it comes to healthcare? Catastrophic situatations...
1 Added Argument It is strange that Kavanaugh only assaulted Democrats.
5 Created Debate If Kavanaugh needs no evidence of guilt, would the Dems need evidence on you?
1 Added Argument If you have a fear of flying, does that mean you never do it, or hate it when you do?
1 Created Debate Democrats would rather feel good than do good
1 Added Argument Democrats today would oppose every single founding father politically
1 Added Argument Why did Kavanaugh go on FOX?? Wasn't that preaching to the choir? It shoulda been MSNBC.
3 Added Argument If Kavanaughs' accusers are LYING, why NOT have the FBI investigate?
1 Added Argument If Kavanaughs' accusers are LYING, why NOT have the FBI investigate?
1 Created Debate DeSantis calls out media to their faces amid smears
6 High Rated Argument Would you rather live a life that is enviable or admirable?
2 Created Debate Tiger Woods defends Trump then finally wins again
2 High Rated Argument Why should climate deniers get hurricane aid?
4 High Rated Argument Joe Biden Suggests Me Too Should Mean Assuming Accused Men Are Guilty
4 High Rated Argument Libs want to go after Kavanaugh for his highschool years 35 years ago. Well?
5 High Rated Argument Wanna MAGA? Go vote out the Democrats & replace them with ethical people
2 High Rated Argument Do heroes wear dog tags or vagina suits with their kids?
4 Added Argument Joe Biden Suggests Me Too Should Mean Assuming Accused Men Are Guilty
1 Added Argument Do heroes wear dog tags or vagina suits with their kids?
2 Added Argument Wanna MAGA? Go vote out the Democrats & replace them with ethical people
2 Added Argument Libs want to go after Kavanaugh for his highschool years 35 years ago. Well?
4 High Rated Argument Why can't Trump gain ownership of Obamas deep state?
1 High Rated Argument Should Trump EXPOSE state secrects just because it'll help HIM?
4 Added Argument Why can't Trump gain ownership of Obamas deep state?
1 Added Argument Should Trump EXPOSE state secrects just because it'll help HIM?
1 Added Argument Why should climate deniers get hurricane aid?
1 Added Argument Why should climate deniers get hurricane aid?
1 Created Debate Libs want you to conform to not have to face their own inadequacies
1 Created Debate Stories Lib Media intentionally ignored
2 Created Debate What is socialism?
8 Added Argument Would you rather live a life that is enviable or admirable?
1 Added Argument When I was a kid, no meant yes.. When did no start meaning NO?
3 Added Argument Do you want your president to be BETTER than you, or just LIKE you?
1 High Rated Argument Socialism is BAD, but the Fire Department is GOOD. Wha???
4 High Rated Argument 2 be a good left winger you have 2 be toxic, hate everything& be full of excuses
1 High Rated Argument Video proof of my genetically engineered pet dwarf dinosaur.
2 High Rated Argument Should a Jewish Warrior STICK it in the eye of the anti-Semites and science deniers?
1 High Rated Argument Nike calls cops on man waving blue lives matter flag. Priceless
1 High Rated Argument Another cop gunned down. Libs not interested in knees
1 High Rated Argument Democrat Candidate Refuses To Reveal Source Of Million-Dollar Donations

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