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PorksNBeans's Reward Points: 80

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument What's UNIQUE about the US, is that FREEDOM IS the default??
1 Added Argument What's UNIQUE about the US, is that FREEDOM IS the default??
1 Created Debate Excon admits blue cities' epic failures are fully Democrats' fault.
1 Added Argument Has the myth finally been debunked, that a good guy with a gun saves lives?
1 Added Argument Is it HARD to believe that a 17 year old would join the Navy??
1 Added Argument What's the difference between liberalism and right wingerism?
4 Created Debate If you have never stood against what was popular, you would have been a Nazi
3 Created Debate Was the Revolution against Britain an insurrection
3 Created Debate Do Democrats till want to pretend America is a Democracy?
1 Created Debate Why are the top liberal podcasts whiter than a polar bear in winter?
2 Added Argument How is it possible that most of the top Conservative podcasts are minorities?
5 Created Debate How is it possible that most of the top Conservative podcasts are minorities?

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