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Mint_tea's Reward Points: 4641

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Eviction moratorium will end this month. Bigger riots than last year?
3 Added Argument AlofRI
1 Added Argument Let's say that Trump is CONVICTED of a criminal offense. Will there be rioting??
1 Added Argument CDC says you can unmask. Left still wants to wear the face diaper
2 Added Argument 8 fully vaccinated NY Yankees get Coronavirus anyway
1 Added Argument Left hates religion because it doesn't make them God. Leftism does.
1 Added Argument Republicans should pick candidates based on how much they piss off the left
2 Added Argument Left hates religion because it doesn't make them God. Leftism does.
1 Added Argument What should I take from Florida doing better than NY on Covid
2 Added Argument Black olives matter
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument If a right wing mob was attacking your car, would you run over them?
3 Added Argument Media pretending Biden brokered deal to pull out of Afghanistan
2 Added Argument Was Joe Biden always a bumbling moron?
1 Added Argument Should cheetahs be allowed to run in the olympics if they identify as people?
3 Added Argument The 'DUCK' is dead, long live the Duck.
1 Added Argument So, why DO people do drugs?
3 Added Argument Is the United States breaking up before our eyes?
0 Added Argument I'm all but gone from Create Debate so this is me saying so long
5 Added Argument It’s a great day to be American
2 Added Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
5 Added Argument 2 mass shootings within a week is a sign the U.S. is getting back to normal
1 Added Argument Are dogs better pets than cats?
1 Added Argument Should hate be regulated or punished
3 Added Argument What do you think of Joe Biden falling down?
1 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
2 Added Argument The left fear the return of Trump as much as demons fear the return of Christ
5 Added Argument Cigars, Bourbon, Guns & Freedom
1 Added Argument Should the children of criminals be given the death sentance
2 Added Argument Where's BurritoLunch? +More people who haven't logged on.
3 Added Argument Who is willing to get the Covid Vaccine?
1 Added Argument Is this raw racism?;- Coca Cola tells it employees to ''try to be less white''.
1 Added Argument Marching With Symbols of Hate?
1 Added Argument Vandals Target Home Of Trump Impeachment Lawyer
1 Added Argument What was the the main contributory factor in Trump's downfall?
3 Added Argument Is a flying car still a car, or is it an airplane?
1 Added Argument Biden still hasn't tried to repeal Trump's tax cuts that you said were just for rich
1 Added Argument Guys, Screech From Saved By The Bell Died
1 Added Argument The problem with being practically deaf is that everyone yells at you...
1 Added Argument Do you have your very own space laser, or are Jews the only ones?
1 Added Argument Is black lives matter racist?
0 Added Argument The Allstate insurance ad featuring a flying moon buggy is making me crazy!
1 Added Argument Gas prices going up, up, up. You voted for it. Enjoy.
0 Added Argument I just kicked cancers ass!
6 Added Argument I'm angry today - I'm looking for someone to fight with so I can verbally abuse them
1 Added Argument The agnostic is the most rational stance to hold. Is the agnostic stance most logical?
2 Added Argument National Guard sleeping in streets of D.C. Trump lets them stay at his hotel
2 Added Argument Biden said Trump has no plan for Covid, I do, then had no plan

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