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MarkDice's Reward Points: 53

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate Study finds white liberals are white supremacists with guilty consciences
2 Created Debate This is how much brainwashing the libs have done
1 Added Argument If capitalism exists in 200 years, rich will be transhuman gods, the poor will be cattle
1 Added Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Human Activity or natural process Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Ch
0 Added Argument Trump kissing Putins ass
1 Added Argument Humanism leads to an empty, pointless, meaningless life
0 Added Argument Jews are a disease
0 Added Argument America should be shooting wet backs at the border
0 Added Argument White people invented modern civilization. Niggers invented nothing.
1 Added Argument Rape cultures a myth
5 Created Debate Can you care about migrants & still oppose illegal aliens jumping the border
1 Added Argument Rape cultures a myth
1 Created Debate DOJ Lawyer Who Interviewed Hillary Finds Way Into Ford Case
1 Added Argument Can you sue a judge?
2 Added Argument Can you sue a judge?
2 Created Debate Is Diane Feinstein trying to steal Murkowski's lunch money in this picture?
3 Created Debate Lib media caught faking live interviews

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