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KikiTheSquid's Reward Points: 41

Points When What Where
2 Created Debate Would your government use population control methods on you?
5 Created Debate If Excon believes in collectivism, why did he fight the Vietnamese?
2 Created Debate CDC says blood clots will double by 2050
1 Created Debate 10 Craziest Democrat moments of the year
1 Created Debate Democrats decide to finish building the wall that they called racist
1 Created Debate Everything left feared with Trump actually came true with Biden
1 Created Debate What exactly is wrong with Nancy Pelosi in this video?
1 Added Argument Xi Jinping tells Joe Biden not to play with fire
1 Added Argument Dominionists want to establish the US as a Christian theocracy. Roe is just the beginning.
5 Created Debate Does this describe what you see today?
3 Created Debate The media ignored the Hunter Biden story for a year, so what does that make them
1 Created Debate BurritoLunch could be making money. Instead he argues all day online.

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